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May 11, 2012 @ 8:35 AM

Prior to being a beauty therapist, I worked in finance. I worked in a huge trading room in London, which had no windows. I used to get up around 5.30am (it was dark) and go home when it was dark. I would spend half an hour applying make-up, and remove it each night when I got home. Then I thought.... I could have half an hour extra sleep if I didn't apply make-up. So I went to work naked.... a bare face (I was wearing clothes). At first my co-workers asked if I was feeling ill (as looked pale). But they got used to my bare face, and I enjoyed that extra half hour sleep.

Then I returned to Australia and became a beauty therapist. I rarely wore make-up. I bought a beauty salon, then a 2nd one - and I rarely wore make-up. .........

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May 7, 2012 @ 1:44 PM

I started this blog on the 1st January 2012. I had loads of ideas and I was as keen as mustard. I had plans to post at least once a week, and provide lots of video demonstrations as well.

But then life took over!  I plan to write all my own posts. I won't hire a 'ghost writer' or take articles from the internet. My posts will always be about my experiences, my recommendations, my philosophies. But at the end of the day.... I'm not a 'writer'. I'm a mum of 3 young kids. I'm a sole operater of a business. I'm a former beauty therapist. This year has been particularly frantic with my 5yo boy starting school, my 4yo girl starting kindergarten, and my 1yo baby getting her independance. I feel like I'......

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